Friday, January 26, 2024 is once again back up. is once again gurgling from the confines of GoDaddy.

Yes we did it, no, I did it, and by not giving up, and not saying no. 

I do not say why here? Rather I always say, why not here? Okay the pickins are a bit scarce when it comes to radio on air types, but hey at least the water is flowing. did not do us any favors. In fact they purtty much screwed us in the rump roast. If Spreaker had just kept us running , been in archive mode, right now the Howls of the Wolf and Wolvez would be bellowing fro inside your entertainment monitoring device. We had something flowing, and Spreaker, knew dang well we were exceeding every other podcaster on their service. From which I said horny floogles. Again, we are not a podcast. That would be easy. Once a week, drum up some local B.S. and make YOU believe we know something about a particular subject, as tainted as it maybe, and deliver it to you. There are things I and the editors of this and our countless blogsite's never mind facefart. won't even resubscribe to them, Why? Every time some of us in the Knytes or the WolfPack writes or posts something facefart finds a way to pull the content off and say it's a systematic error. BullsBreath. What it is, is, Zuck and his minions are too spooked by the countless lawsuits now in play in many courtrooms across the nation, that rather than re-injure themselves they error by caution, and as such, their main thought is: insult a few, save a few zillion, subscribers and/or, clients. Don't insult the advertisers or possible advertisers, that BTW won't get you a single, solitary client. None. You get hit, anytime anyone pings that ad, with a no refund policy by Zuck. Hey, can't afford to build that underground hacienda, in Hiwaii, without scraping the bottom feeders, who buy ridiculous junk, from clients, even porn stars, out-of-work escorts, and floozies Hey not knocking it. I think organized brothels and houses, are a great thing. Instead of some guy who can't get laid, { me included } just goes in, plunks down a few hundred bucks gets ducked and walks out with a happy memory, and like me, a fresh pair of oderious pantyhose/nylons. Every industry got really banged up, with the pandemic. Miss Donna's in Wells Nevada { our preferred brothel } Look up Tricia, Tell her the Big Badd Wolf sent you. 10% off the chapaign oh I meant Champaign. I know every room in that place, including the room with the hot tub, and canopy bed with a mirror under the canopy. That way you can watch the little bear and butterflies jump as you get humped. Kinda a two-for-one show. I know many of ya'll think it's wrong. That you'd never pay for mating rituals. Really? You take a gal out for dinner, expect at today's rates, spending $250.00 each. $500.00 already spent. Does she have some foreign STD? More expense. And unless you kept the mask of your lone Ranger, on. You will get a cute little letter from Health & Welfare, or somebody, that starts off with Greetings from the State of Idaho, or such. At a brothel, you go in, buy a little drinkee pooh, shuttle back to the room, and once your checked over, you get to ride old Silver Tip, for as long as you paid for. The best thing, no surprises 9 months into the future. 

Any mile snowstorm has our big stick offline but it should be in gear Saturday in the AM. On: