Saturday, April 13, 2024

But they never make it easy

Your life as you know it is about to change. Sorry got wrapped up in a Stng episode. The Borg.
The WolfPack and the Hazzard Knytes have been good for and to me. The organizations together have prospered beyond any thing we ever imagined. Both organizations were brought together for one purpose create a market then be there to supply that market.
I still remember that first meeting in November 1980 in Hagerman aka Hazzard Idaho.  The place was packed tighter than a ticks butt. Some sitting in the rafters on the floor even the Miss Packman machine became a sit down utensil. Jimmy Mac, myself Alan Culbertson junior Ron Adam's to name but a few. We organized but didn't have a name for it. Ultimately rearranging lettering and spelling a bit of a twist on a movie at the time( Hollywood knights) and in October 1982 The Hazzard County Knytes was born. The 20 odd membership turned into a membership today of 4 million members worldwide. Siblings of the organization include but not limited to The WolfPack, the Knytes of Dixie, the Deere Dazzlerz and of course the  Iron Knytes Association. Cou0ped together with  The Hazzard COUNTY TOEWING ASSOCIATION we set the bar and wrote the book on what a gearhead organization should be. 
Over the years we have lost some members due to both military and old age, but we keep busting butt unstoppable.  Might call us Club Possible. 
Somewhere in the shuffle I caught the nick name Cooter, mostly because of LexìBelle however moreover I am content with AyreWolf.  
There is a old poem that goes: Once you have tasted flight ✈️ you will forever walk with your eyes 👀 pointed to the sky, for there you have been and long to return. 
Early morning show headed to bed. 
Couldn't help the las photo but he'll I'm addicted to legs and hosiery. 
Love ❤️ that smell 😍  

Friday, April 12, 2024

a Wolf Byte

Okay I am finding the selection and presentation of programming on Tubi much better than Pluto.
I have became a real fan of the reboot of Lefem Nikita in the CW series Nikita. 
If your into espionage and DC politics Nikita is a best choice and a real go to.
With that in mind, shows like 3rd Watch and the sort are worth the 👌 effort to watch . Not saying that Pluto is bad, but their tech goofs and pour signal quality are the reasons I push back at that table.  While anything in the realm of broadcasting even via satellite can get muddy fact is for free entertainment value Tubi is what I pick.
Next this morning my eyes are still burning like a hades bomb 💣 but I will survive. I always do.  Somehow. 
I had a Question fly through my radar overnight regarding my funds versus the funds of the Hazzard Knytes/AyreWolveZ. They are not the same. The organization pays me a whopping $300.00 a month to carry out my duties to the organization, hire and fire employees. And operate the programs of the organization.  However those treasured funds are closely watched 👀 by the Treasurer of the organization.  It's not my money it's the money of the organization.  As for me I make just a smidgen under 2,500.00 a month and that's combined with SSDI and my Marine pension.  Anything I make over that flying med evac and/or going toewing is gravy with a little garnish.But not much garnish.
Which is why I am usually broke or near broke financially every month. Especially when LexiBelle is ailing with a cracked block
And messed up steering column 
Which is the result of some cross bred Oriental/Mexican named Stacy
The guy stole it or tried too a few years back.  It was also him the wrecked Rick's shovel head and Oldsmobile 442. Along with theft of Rick"s tools. That event took place while Rick was away caring for his Dad and getting treatment for his bad back. I knew you all sort of know Rick.  He. Has repaired a bunch of people's rides for nothing or next to nothing. It was Rick and I  who founded Hazzard County Choppers of the area that now has 5 shops in surrounding areas.  HCC will reopen in the spring of 2025 out on highway 150 a mile short of Steve's Truck Service. Yup in the same shop we had that had a candle shop in it that made the place smell like a perfumed whoore house. When I moved away to satisfy PoohBear which subsequently failed , I  missed good old Evanston. The only town I've ever been that has mule deer roaming free throughout the lower have of Bear River Drive and County road. They have their grand deer crossing and expect YOU to stop while the whole family crosses
Today however I saw one of my little plover buddies out at Nates. I went out to visit my LexiBelle.  When Plovers aka killdeers start coming out you know that spring is here. Watch for warmer weather here soon.
In closing I would ❤️  love to know why Facebook will not let me post to My groups and My pages. Granted I am using Facebook Litè but still can' post on things I and the organization have created. 
Any of you have a clue as to why? X isn't far behind.  Yet both platforms exhibit everything from phony escorts trying to create business to all out masked porn. Why  ?
Hitting the rack busy day in the morning.