Monday, December 22, 2008

Mission Conditions

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Welcome to my forest , welcome to the jungle of Elmore County, at least for a few more months. The fact that for most things is that if its an idea that is not respected in ultra conservative areas you do it in Idaho in BOISE. Do not even think of presenting that idea whatever it is anywhere else, cept maybe Hazzard. For the most part Boise is Boise and Boise becomes in many ways a state of its own, and the rest of Idaho is, well , Idaho. Is it that Boise has a wider view of the world or at least its own world or is it that Boise's population younger and thus believes more than some well seasoned populations of say the Magic Valley or even Eastern Idaho? I do not know but the fact that I was able to not only lock onto female model talent from two sources of which I have decided to contract with only one, that being the ring girls of Full Contact Idaho but looking back at it, think of how much different things would have went in Pocatello when I first engaged CH-12 there. If I would have just said there is no local talent there, imported the talent to CH-12 and so on, not only could much money been saved but much more money could have been made. All the dirty mud that was slung between a certain TV station manager as well as a certain bouncer of a bikini bar could have all been prevented. But I did not do that, I tried the idea of hiring local etc. Which did me no good. Because I got way behind the tail wind and thus am not towing much more hardly flying this time of year one year later. But with all that there is a new image on my HUD ,that's; Heads, Up, Display, for you none flying folks out there, I'm recertifying to fly this summer and prove to many that ye ole AyreWolf is even more real than they and they know who THEY are, that I am real, then let them choke on barf chunks. After all while it is my sworn duty to protect and defend a constitution I have elected to defend and protect the Constitution of the Confederate States Of America and none else. Our USA has decayed to the point that the CSA is its only savior in that our Lord Jesus Christ has blessed the CSA to save the land and nation he blessed so many years ago, but has gotten rotten . I would hope my friend Bazookaman when he unplugs his blog from MHN puts his up on that way only those with a real comment can bark rather than those that only want to harm. With that said know this. I have found a way out of cold, snowy Idaho, to warm Florida where southern roots need to be planted. Wile this lady friend I met through the CSA and all my not need a guy person in her life the fact is, I go, stay with her find shop, house etc and see where things Go and move the rest of me there to central Florida in September or so of 2009. I'm denouncing, my birth in Idaho and will change that birth to somewhere in the CSA, states, and try to forget I ever was anything anytime in Idaho. Any mile let's Fly It. here on AyreWolf FM.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the Day:
The easiest person to deceive is one’s own self.
--Edward George Earle Bulwer-Lytton
Luke 2:8-11“[The Shepherds and the Angels] And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.”

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