Friday, December 26, 2008

Truck Krazy look under your nose before you go.


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There are tymez I need a reality check, to see the forest for the trees. I went to coffee this afternoon in Bliss and looked over the area, and as much as there is elsewhere, seems opportunity is knocking in both Bliss and even Hazzard itself. That's for me looking to get my going towing efforts growing thought is, it happened there once what prevents it from happening there now. Seems as once I split in 1985 the situation was there was more draggin wagons in the area than there was rides. Today that number has dwindled to a very few and I don't have people there thinking I have some sort of incurable illness. Thus my home and all watch is aimed that way. With that said, the media werx can't go there since no FCC allocation is available, but in 30 miles there is, so what to do? Build studio there put the big stick in Hammett and tie the two together with Internet streaming and Satellite micro-wave and you have KSSX. As far as TV still in the works but no new TV app's will be allowed for 6 months, waiting for the new presidential administration to be formed. But that is only June. So we work to sat uplink and IPTV op's and roll it out from there.

Now to say I'm truck Krazy is an understatement. Ever since my dad put me in a COE That's cab over engine Peterbilt Sheep hauler to my introduction to CB radios and all from 1975 to now my efforts have always been to be the voice of and eyes of the TRruckin industry. As well as I could. Almost every second of most dayz now is spent on how to rebuild a operation that once set the standards of what a truckers radio/media firm and outlet should be. But to sacrifice going towing albeit a small tuck also means going trucking, and thus puts me cab door to cab door to those that the media werx serves. No doing that I felt as I do now to not be out there grinding gears and just being behind a mic in an environmentally controlled studio means being very phoney, and not knowing the needs of both the industry and the treasured community that our media efforts serve the community called the highway and those who inhabit it, truckers.

So in closing today for ye ole Wolf, its tow in Bliss/Hazzard, media werx in Hammett.

Keep the sunny side up, dirty side down good numbers to ya'll.


Quote of the Day:
It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native criminal class except Congress
--Mark Twain
Luke 2:28-32“Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying: "Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.”

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