Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Be scared of commitment before dipping it


Its been suggested by a few of you that even with my supercharged need to breed why I'm so spooked about getting serious about getting down with someone female and so on. The fact is I'd welcome getting tight between the sheets with a fine looking honey, but with my money being so tight right now added to that getting AyreWolf Aviation as well as the new kid in our block EagleWolf Aviation and Iron Eagle Towing going towing there just is no room for that. Now then too while the many great looking fine minded gals that I work with every day, sure I'll give them a hug, a kiss, or even doing the grand toe kiss on a TV ad, but that is where it ends. Getting grub fine even doing some minor dating would be good too, but getting kinky is just not an option. For many feeling those cheeks tightening on the Wolf's tool may be kuel the real fool is the one that lets that tool druel. The reasons are many, from contracting STD's to the not so popular but as deadly the breeding results in those dreaded words, CHILD SUPPORT, among other events. Sure I have been there and would welcome a female companion and all still before I open my britches, its going to take a gal equipped with all the attributes of Gretchen Wilson, before I say lets get it on. A few drinks, you drop the dink, and the whole operation sinks. Not for me. Am I scared of marriage? No but its going to take a gal as said, as Gretchen Wilson, to get me to say I do. For now its I don't.

Be sure to be careful this New Years eve, many celebrations going on, I'll be in Jackpot Nevada at the BlackSheep/AyreWolves New Years bash. Just hope flying weather is good.

The AyreWolves and the Knytes-of-Anarchy invites you all to be at the benefit at Shorty's on Friday starting at 20:30PM.

Until L8R Aviators


Quote of the Day:
That's right. 'ain't yours, and 'ain't mine.
--Mark Twain
(when friend said that a certain rich man's money was "tainted")
John 16:33“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved.