Thursday, January 1, 2009

A SheWolf needs help and no to Tina

aw day flyte header

Well here tizz Lizz a new day and a new year. Seems as though one of the SheWolves got herself in a pickle and got her motorized steed penned up, so guess who becomes the rescue Knyte? You got it the ole AyreWolf. Guess it goes with the job. However had she been busy helping me her steed would still be free, but as I have always said they all need me somehow. Will deal with that Friday.

Okay then ; Got a reply to a email sent to a sort of talent outfit in Boise, wanting to see script before casting, to which I say no way. Until I know I can trust someone they do not see my script. How do I know they wont steel it? Been there done that before not doing it again. So its a no, to Tina, and hello Southern Star Talent for the babes we need to make the Rode Knytes Movie. As well as the full length film about me called simply: AyreWolf FM. Besides that even if I did want to share that script with anyone which only with a few, couldn't cuzz A; script isn't finished, and B; I don't have it its still in Florida being tweaked. So if that's how she wants to play, she can sit and spin cuzz ain't gonna happen with her stock. Nuff sedd. Which all of which makes me think now I know why more films and shows don't go in Idaho. Which is sad since our state is full of great back drops and scenery. So it goes.

Think I might have secured shop space in Bliss which means I'm about to kiss a bunch of it bye,bye in Glenns Ferry, but we see what breeds in a few weeks.

Have a file down load in the que so need to bid adoux until later this eve.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the Day:
Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me, it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.
--Julie Andrews
2 Corinthians 5:17“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”

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