Sunday, January 11, 2009

SSDD Those who wear blinders need to see the lyte


After nearly a week of 140 mile round trips to Boise I'm finally home on solid ground. It has been a real eye opener. Some have said you never get a second chance to make a first impression but way too many judge only what they see not what is under the cover. Which is too bad. When an entire state and that includes even the cap city of Boise is under real hell budget wise and lack of economic expansion one needs to say, maybe there is much too much surface examination and not taking the time to really look under the hood or even take me around the block for the test drive so-to-speak.

What I have discovered though in Boise is that not everyone wants to powder my behind with lead like many in GF do . Seems no matter what I do to try and pull the area out of a deep economic comedian zone, all I get is flack. So why even try . Let the dang place continue to decay, more people loose their jobs, and the biggest business being the local U-Haul dealer since many are moving away then perhaps a few will say oops we did too much to push this guy out, but by that time my rides will shine, I'll have renewed my GA Certificate and all GF as well will be a gas stop for me on the way to Bliss where the next big thing on the HUD for the KOA is.

Then I have to look into the MHN's Bitch Box where some guy by the online handle of Mr.Mister writes about me. Supposedly he is a mental illness quack. Ever notice those who work in Mental illness clinics are in dyer need of mental help than those they are treating?

Got a few leads on a place or two in Boise so am going to look into that further over the next few weeks, and get my six and Wolf Pack up that way, and just forget that I made a huge goof in moving to Goons Ferry, and all and think, boy ya'll should have just made the beeline to Boise in the first place . Over the last few days I have been in the company of some very fine ladies and feeling like number one much more than anything or anyone has held out the welcome sign in these neck of the forest. And yet for all of it, most of the folks I meet and do business with in MH treat me okay, so there must be some very fried folks except for about two that I met on the Bitch Box but most in MH are kuel, not blinded fools like some others on there. Saw that Stoney's Cafe looks to reopen soon and next to it is an old office complex that looks like someone was going to remodel then just came to a screeching halt. Going to MH menyanna and look into a few things, but Star Wars is on so this ye ole Wolf is code 7.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the Day:
Progress depends on people knowing they'll be able to profit from their ideas.
--Deborah Neville
Galatians 3:26-28“[Sons of God] You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

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