Saturday, January 17, 2009

I said piss on it


I got this email from an associate in MH about some rinky dink issue and thought okay, enuff time devoted to that its not in Glenns Ferry, why should I care? So in short I said piss on it. If someone needs help on a project that I see I can try to assist in I do try. But the bottom line here is when I do, it just gets boggled up somehow and there are some stiff-necked folks there that think they want to do it differently so why should I get involved? The issue has to do with some recreation thing that I think should not be publicly funded. If its such a good thing why is it not done on the part of some open minded person ? Like a private enterprise? Like the KOA's efforts on bringing ECCCTV back to light? In our efforts we are not asking for one red cent of public money. If it goes at all it will be from our pockets and treasury not from one stinking crumb of city or county funding. If we do it under our own funding we control it, not some city council or County commissioner. Any time ya'll get any thing from public funding its like asking a revenuer to run shine, might be a neat idea but it ain't going to happen and ya'll are just asking for more of a headache.

Okay then since that is that lets move on here.

At the KOA Board meeting in Hazzard today it was brought up instead of doing TV and that right now lets do up a community radio station instead and in a year or so fire up efforts to do TV. After all radio does not need that much room to operate as would a TV station. So we are eyeing that as stage one. With that in the can we moved onto the consideration of a bar owned and operated by the AyreWolvez and the KOA. Guess what? No way Jose. While it is a nice idea what we were looking at, had no assurances that afterwerds it would be ours or that somebody would not pull the rug out from under us, so we shot down that idea and are looking at a location near Bliss, afterall why not put the bar for all things Hazzard, in well , Hazzard? With that fish fried we moved onto the 214's birthday celebration and the Miss AyreWolf contest thing in Boise at Shorty's Saloon. There is a need to keep us tied to that place if nothing else because those hallowed halls an walls speaks volumes of history of our organization. Thus unless something really amazingly wrong hits that will be our home in Boise for some time to come.

As I drove home on near fumes one little connector on LiL Lexi came loose from the battery. So I stopped just under the comm towers just on the outskirt of Bliss, did some quick fixing and got home. The only reason I was on fumes was the fact that I had to drive all the way to Twinky Flatts just to pay a cell phone bill with Edge Wireless since they merged with A.T. & T. No ya'll can't pay the bill at an A.T.&T. store it just had to be at an Edge Wireless store. So in the truck I came. Determined from looking and measuring by odometer that its 60 miles to Twinky Flatts from GF via I-84 and 65 miles from Twinky Flatts through Hazzard to GF via U.S.-30 . So in closing, if Missy and all does not want my help fine, good luck, have fun no hard feelings, and its a MH problem after all, not my headache. What I think was there was a few from the Bitch Box and so on that told Missy that if I was involved they wouldn't be. Bet you your next refuel that was it. Life does go on, I'm tucking in, tending to my own things and not bothering with much outside of the AyreWolvez and the KOA. When it comes to things like this though I need to say this is one more reason Glenns Ferry and King Hill should be part of Gooding County, and separate itself from Elmore County. Move the county line up 15 miles to Hammett.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the Day:
No human investigation can be called real science if it cannot be demonstrated mathematically.
--Leonardo da Vinci
Philippians 2:14-16“Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life—in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing.”

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