Monday, January 12, 2009

I hope the Force is with me in Boise Tuesday


I really did not do much today, but at least I did something. For as much as many blaat about how bad our economy and all is, nobody get's off their six much to do anything about it. I found many firms closed and a few more sadly labor challenged. Considering that while jobs are few, the few there are , is not staffed with enough or of quality employees and workers. Its no wonder the south Pacific nations are doing well and the USA is crying foul. Reason Japs, Chinese and so on get off their ass and do something. They WORK. Rather than just expect someone to hand them the things they need to live. Most other nations do the same , workers get, those who don't work STARVE, as it should be. Granted I do get SSA funds and all, but if I had to depend on that for everything I'd be in even worse shape money wise than I am. The reason AyreWolf Aviation is making it and few others are is we have a dedicated staff. My people get paid well, get better than average benefits, and live good, but I do not hire just anyone. There is this honey that jumps in the MHN Bitch Box that I think has more on the ball mentally than just about all the women I have met in this area of Idaho. Would I hire her? Bet your mark-82 I would. Why; A) she is Military, Two she is kountry, and C) does not have her brains in her crotch like so many others I have met, same thing goes for my USMC pal, Mike. As the Wolves move into MH to put a link for us between Boise and tower site in Hammett, I found only fast food and brew open. Everything else nearly was closed. As I asked before don't anyone work any more? As I go to Boise Tuesday to finalize things for relocation, and rest and pack for the barrage that will ensue near the end of the month, I am praying that the Force is with me as I make the move. I hope the spirit of Kahless is with me, and my journey to Stovacore is not Tuesday, although if it be the bidding, Tuesday is as good as any to die.

Was going to the MH, CC meeting but when Missy said she would not be there, I figured I'd just wait until the next meeting to present the plan for reviving ECCA/TV as it will be called. Not Cam-8. See all Tuesday as there will be plenty to report on, but know this; HCTV is about to be seen in Boise. More on that Tuesday.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the Day:
No one can be free who does not work for the freedom of others.
Galatians 3:26-28“[Sons of God] You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

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