Thursday, January 15, 2009

Poseeteevo Amigo Thursday


One of the local publications and I use the word publication reluctantly as its more like a spam paper , but the Mountain Home News always calls Thursdays its Positive Thursdays. Why who knows why Thursday is supposedly a dead day anyway since most folks finish up most of their 3 day work days on Thursday, since most don't work on Monday and rarely do anything on Friday's and then we wonder why our nation is having economic problems. Friends ya gotta work to generate a dollar. Okay then. One of my best local area friends asked me why doing something here in Elmore County rather than Boise is still on my radar. First because its needed, and I rarely run from a challenge, Two because there is at least 6 more months that I have on my lease where I live and if I break that lease now I have to pay for the entire six months and last but not least and yes its a pride thing, but if I just run I will satisfy way too many in this county. Rather than do that if I just happen to get ECCCATV rolling despite the efforts to kill it and it all becomes a success then guess what? I can thumb the nose of so many in both MH and GF who laughed at me. But that creates the need to form a electorial board and operational committee which can make the thing work beyond anything many have ever envisioned. When I plunked down the $40.00 to join Cam-8 of MH Idaho I said I was there to make the thing take off and become a light in the dark of all that came before. Of course the light went dim for a short time, and while the former operation took a nose dive, does that mean someone else with a new board, and staff in a different location, and the fact that doing it from not just on Elmore County town, but getting all Elmore County towns including Glenns Ferry here involved might just shift the entire concept into a different gear. In essence if I can assemble enough of the right people into the right package then what I call Elmore County Community Cable Access TV or ECCCATV can at least be a jewel in the belt of the Hazzard Knytes as well as myself. In other words what I came to the area to do in the first place can be achieved. Along with that putting together in time a area Community Radio Station like Boise seems to be doing, together , will be media by and for all in Elmore County, by people in Elmore County. Bottom line do for the County what few even those elected to do, well does. Even though I was never elected. As the dawning of a swearing in and believe me , plenty will be swearing about it, but on Jan 20th there will be the taking of an oath, by someone who will be lying through his jaw , to be the President of the United(as United as it may be) States. However one such said once, Do not ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. In my case not asking what my county can do for me, but what can I do for my county. While I have lost a few battles here in both GF and Elmore County I'm beginning to settle in here. While relocation is still on my radar in July, if I can at least get things going good and in the right direction for the area, even if I move I can at least say I did this. As many of so man call assholes in MH and all , I have met many fine people here. Its not that bad, and I might just skip Boise if I find something in MH to rent cheap.  While rapid growth might not be in many minds likewise me, still improvement in living conditions is a goal that I would like to make happen. If I can at least give the area a good nudge in that way then I'll feel satisfied.

Hold on its going to be a bumpy ride.


Quote of the Day:
Reason often makes mistakes, but conscience never does.
--Josh Billings
John 8:31-32“[The Children of Abraham] To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

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