Friday, January 23, 2009

Where oh where do they get those hotties?


Where oh where do they get those hot women? Every day as I tune into the news TV channels I see them, anchoring the news channels and you wonder where do they find them? Is there a resource, human resource that I missed in our on air talent searches that we missed. Whether its CNN, FoX News, HLN, etc those blonde blue/green eyed super babes on those channels, make you at least for a few seconds forget about the pain of today's news while you third member rizes to the occasion. The question again is where do they find these on air female news anchors? Is it just in NYC, and HotLanta that they find these super hot news babes? All I know is Confederate Star TV sure could use them, send em our way will ya?

Was going to fly up to Boise today but weather overnight put the kabosh to that thought and will ROS most of the day. Plan on going to coffee in the PM of today with Mike, in MH around 15:00 hours, but past that am just going to clean house.

Want to thank Mike for hauling my cookies to Boise previous day to fetch a whopping $50.00 from Treasure Valley Community TV. Which I would have stayed with if for not the distance. The answer here though is instead of chasing that tail why not continue efforts to build our own media op's, that as it was decided overnight during a computer conference call to rename Southern Steele Xpress TV etc to Confederate Star TV. Stay tuned here later for more 411 on that. Speaking on all of that another look here needs to be taken. While community TV right now might be a reach the thought is why not fire up Community Radio and next year do up Community TV? Radio can be done much less expensive and for the short flyte less taxing on resources available than TV. Not putting the kybosh on TV , just putting that on the rear burner.

As I close again the question of the hour is, where oh where do those news channels get those hotties?

News of the rescheduling of the 214 gig at Shorty's l8r in the day.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the Day:
Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer.
--Dave Barry
James 1:5“If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.”

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