Saturday, January 17, 2009

If you have ever taken a beer to a Mormon Priesthood Meeting, You might be a Redneck


I had something great to relate there but it flew by faster than Sheriff Roscoe chasing the Dukes. I can't explain it completely but from the first episode I saw on TV to going to the set and wrenching on stunt cars of the show to the formation of the Hazzard County Knytes that has evolved into the Knytes-of-Anarchy everything Hazzard County hazz became my soul, if nothing else , things Hazzard County pulls me out of some serious bouts with depression. With that all in mind I set my mind to being the only none D-O-H star to be voice of all things Hazzard, and southern bred kountry-fied truckin. With that in the seat lets do this.

In 2004 there was an uproar from fans of the old TV series and those that were clambering for the new movie that many  D-O-H fans and purists that said this is just wrong. With then outside of a few of the original cast lookin down from the Boar's Nest in the sky, the movie should have had the original cast left on the movie, but times and attitudes change but it has always been the mission of our organization to keep it all pure, all Hazzard County. In 2005 we all met in my apartment at least as many as we could fit in there in my apartment in Bountiful Utah and decided to build the ultimate Hazzard County web site. Now that web site had to have a Hazzard County style radio station on it so we began gathering the gear to do that, however visual was important too. So why not build a online TV station ran Hazzard County style? When that began the need to get more talent especially of the female type was important,and as it would happen the more we did, the more we said, instead of this just being online lets get it on the ayre. So with that wheelie popped we met a year after and said lets do this up with the title that was for our Hazzard County biker show, Southern Steele Xpress TV. So we wheeled up to various locations finding that one place that what we had in mind would fit. Not thinking the best location might just be in Hazzard(aka-Hagerman) Idaho. The only place at this point that is big enuff to house it is in GF here at what used to be the Trophy Club. Micro-nuke the signal to Hammett and Git-R-Done, right? NOT!! Why? There is not enuff TV let alone broadcasting types with a Hazzard County attitude in GF here. So what does one do? Mountain Home? Import help from Boise an launch it in mid summer 2011. But don't grab ass just yet thinking SSX-TV is over, or that SSX radio will not launch before then. Talks are on to get a studio in MH that can house the thing as well as in Bliss Idaho, after all why not run the thing where Hazzard at least for me and many of the original Knytes assembled the first time for the first meeting? Okay then, with that in mind the Miss Hazzard County project in Boise. That in my next entry hold on.



Quote of the Day:
An ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness.
--Elbert Green Hubbard
1 Corinthians 10:13“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”

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