Monday, January 12, 2009

Why I don't have a business card and can you ask if they are real?


I had the occasion today at where the Sheep's Pen will be once all talks are over to offer up my business card. The only dang reason I don't yet have a business card is I have yet to find even one female that will pose with one of my trucks or warbyrd to photograph for that business card. I get close but no explosion. Oh yes I could probably and most likely do up some cheap ones but your business card needs to be of such that someone will not only hang onto it, but keep it. And that means my business card needs to have bling. So what's an aviator to do? Stage a super babe gig and select someone. Which is the base to the 2009 Miss AyreWolf project that has been moved from Shorty's Saloon to Mr. Lucky's in Garden City Idaho next month. Next to making serious green of $50.00 plus an hour Miss AyreWolf is the who that mostly males will see on our ads in 2009. For more 411 give me a landline at 208-705-0676 and lets talk.

So this one super hotties walks in and was the designated or one of the designated dealers at a somewhat poker game there today. Her name is Beth. Now I usually am not attracted to a woman's breasts, as I am a leg and foot man, and my kryptonite is a woman in nylon hose. Don't ask me why but if I see a honey in hose I am all weak in the knees. Getting back on course here this one comes in by the name of Beth, of course you know that she knows she's carrying some serious cha-chas. They look real, but can a man really ask are they real? Can a man ask if they are real, and is it okay to ask if they are real? I contend that if you asked and she did not know you well you would get slapped, or worse, but if a lady puts them on display could you, should you ask if they are real? Just a good question.

Finally I met this other hottie at Mr. Lucky's that has more than good looks, she has a brain that functions. Am going to see if her and her firm wants to aid our group in producing some of our ayreshows and other events. Anna is her name.

More L8R Aviators


Quote of the Day:
If you want to be miserable, think about yourself, about what you want, what you like, what respect people ought to pay you and what people think of you.
--Charles Kingsley
Galatians 3:26-28“[Sons of God] You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

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