Friday, January 9, 2009

The 3 points and the circle


Honor, sacrifice , tradition that is the three points of the creed of the Knytes-of-Anarchy. These points are not negotiable. No matter the task. If these points might be broken, the task becomes discarded. I went tonight with many KOA members to the monthly get together at Shorty's Saloon. Shorty's to us is sacred ground. It is immortal, Shorty's Saloon is one place that retains tradition, although those who now own it do not recognize that tradition or the honor that , that tradition and all represent. However with that said and even though our grand flag can't yet fly there everything else is on target. What I did notice is another bar not too far away from Shorty's is up for sale, and while its not Shorty's the price is extremely attractive. What do you think would happen to Shorty's traffic if one were to open up something similar and honor the traditions of real southern rebel kountry and what was the base for Shorty's? Two maybe 3 years maximum would the time frame for Shorty's to collapse. Once that happened the KOA swoops in snags the place and real Tradition is revived. and made real as it was the way it should be. We'll see how thins roll out but Shorty's is just one example of what happens when someone harvests the firms name but not its soul. One thing I have seen in many of these is like Flying J Inc. When Jay Call passed away , Flying J went into or began its decent into a deep pyle. Same thing took place with several other firms that I deal with, and it even happens when the family takes over. But they do not feel the passion of the vision of the founder. Same thing has purtty much happened to Shorty's Saloon. But guess what ? Change is coming. And as usual its the KOA and the AyreWolves about to do the deed. Its just the way we are. It will continue. Its just gratifying to know that even with a name change the KOA remains dedicated and solid to its foundation and respects traditions of what we were and what we will become.

Its been fabled that wolves howl at a full moon. It was one tonight on the way home from Boise, and yes I pulled off the road between Hammett and Mountain Home got out of the truck, and howled like the two legged wolf I am.

Relocation mission begins this week coming, Boise is within sight.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the Day:
Forgiveness is not an occasional act: it is a permanent attitude.
--Dr. Martin Luther King
1 Peter 1:15-16“But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy.”

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