Friday, January 30, 2009

Let's call it what it is Cyber Bullying


I recently observed on a local newspaper's online gossip column that was saying how much I bad mouthed the town of Mountain Home, but I think we need to set records straight. First I never ever said that the WHOLE town was bad, nor did I say everyone there was bad, or nuts or just plain to damn simple for their on good. Wow , that was something that someone would say that, and yet, who was working to revive Cam-8 of Mountain Home at my expense? Who was working to establish community radio in Mountain Home at my expense, and who brought the Hazzard Knytes as well as working to establish a chapter of the AyreWolves in Mountain Home and having coffee meetings in Mountain Home at Grindes Diner again at my expense. Who went to the Mountain Home City Council meeting at my expense, to volunteer to head up Cam-8 at my expense and do the job in and for the community of Mountain Home again at MY Expense? Who put off my own bills, getting my own firm off the tarmac to help the same community from offering to rebuild Glenns Ferry's run down airport at MY EXPENSE, but was turned down by the GFCO ? Who is still busting his balls to bring a radio station and TV station to the town at MY EXPENSE? Oh yes I really hate the community? If I had been as stiff necked and ornery as many I have met, in these parts, and as DANGEROUS as they think I am, not only would I not be as behind in my own financial life but also much further in going towing. Who was it that met on more than one occasion with the former director of MH's Cam-8 even trying to help them out of their personal money troubles at MY EXPENSE? Oh yes one can see I really hated Mountain Home , NOT. But who got tagged, bagged, tarred and nearly feathered in the same place? Yep the good old Wolf, but who wont win? The same antagonizers , why cuzz the old Wolf here is headed to Hollywierd to go to media school. If I return to Idaho at all after it will only be to get Lexi my tow truck, LiL Lexi my small tow truck and similar things that I can't take to school, other than that as far as Idaho, not going to be, in Idaho , going to never claim of ever living in Idaho and outside of a few family members in SouthEastern Idaho and so on wont care what happens to the tater state. At least the western half of it. Let's face it the Hazzard Knytes most them moved away from Idaho years ago, the reorganizing into the Knytes-of-Anarchy from the Hazzard Knytes was a move to urbanize what had been for years something rural. As far as my dedication to things farming and all that's still there, but as far as Elmore County, to me its a place to stop, get gas, maybe snuff and drive on past, do not stop to think to move or stay here, unless you want to kiss the rear of the stinking 50. And some asked why I did not buy real estate here? By this time next year I'll be living in Eagle Mountain Utah, and only remembering Idaho through nightmares and really bad dreams. How am I going to pay for school? Can you say the Legal Eagle's team?

L8R Aviators.


Quote of the Day:
What single ability do we all have? The ability to change.
--George Leonard Andrews
Ephesians 4:2“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”

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