Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Wolf hunts the weakest first


As anyone who knows anything about the wyld kingdom will tell you a wolf will go after the weakest of a herd first. In human kind that means exploring new opportunities  when the economy is the weakest is better than trying to buy something when the seller can be more choosy. Such is the case with a bar in Garden City, that I'm seriously looking at approaching the 214 into buying. Why not open the domestic version of the Sheep's Pen. An military and otherwise aviator bar and eating/meeting place. With that in place there would no longer be the scheduling and headaches of our model/talent contests, meeting places etc, it could always be smack dab at the Sheep's Pen. Honoring Pappy as well as the 214 and all military first aviators, but mostly Pappy Boyington and The BlackSheep. So what about tradition and honoring of Shorty's Saloon? While the same name may be on the door its not Shorty's anymore. The current owners have spoiled the place and the magic that was once there is no longer there. So what if we move things down the street a few blocks, put up our own sign and say friends we is open and aviators this is your bar.

Okay then what happens to the gig at Shorty's in February? Still going to happen as planned but it'll be the last there. Just because it was , don't mean it is and many do not consider taking risks or pushing the envelope, like a Marine Aviator . Nuff sedd.

Need sleep gotta be up at 09:30 hours.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the Day:
Everything that lives, Lives not alone, nor for itself.
--William Blake
Psalm 118:5-6“In my anguish I cried to the LORD, and he answered by setting me free. The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?”

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