Sunday, January 18, 2009

For me its only a tool, not the Almighty


Ah the farting Internet , you either love it or tolerate it, but for many it is the Almighty. If its online and all it just happens that it is good and beyond reproach. For me its a tool, from filing flyte plans when I fly to getting weather 411 to ordering parts. Of course the blooming internet is the path by which I am able to communicate with you the members of the Knytes-of-Anarchy along with its siblings. Beyond that I can take it or leave it, but that's not the case for many I know. This one associate I know from MH, if it was not for the Internet she would have no way to sing her song for a local issue that's going to take place no matter what she does. For me give me a clear sky, an open flyte plan, full tanks and I'm at peace. Likewise give me dry highways, full tanks and a sunny day and I'm trucking and I don't care if I'm pulling a load or not, being out on that open highway is where I live. If I am able to get on the cyber highway fine if not the one made out of concrete is just fine. But too many live for the farting internet and if its not going their way they get down right pissed off if not bullistic. My final comment regarding that WECRD thing in MH, has not even been honored with a response from its anti - do it person. I was supposed to go out having folks sign a petition to put the lid on it. Did I even get a call? NO!!! With that said I did get a pissed off letter from the organizing person that wants to put an end to WECRD to lay off the issue so this is the last I will speak of it, like I said in my blog titled Piss -on- It, WECRD has nothing much to do with the Knytes or anything except the fact that higher taxes will make the rent go up at our radio studio, past that who cares? As for me I do not live for the Internet its a tool. It is also for the most part something for people who don't have a life other than being online. Not loosers just no direction. Too bad because they could join the Knytes and have a life. Keep truckin,


Quote of the Day:
If you’re looking for friends when you need them…it’s too late.
--Mark Twain
1 Corinthians 10:13“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”

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