Saturday, January 10, 2009

When we get together

aw day flyte header

When the members of the 214 get together its a great meeting. Nearly all of whether a few civies believe it or not, but nearly all of us flew some pretty airy missions and while some of our chit chat does bend the rules of truth a bit our honor on both sides of the fence must be maintained no matter the cost. Now I have a great friend who lives in Mountain Home somewhere, by the name of Mike. While he spent some time working in the USAF , he still sports and is proud of his USMC heritage and duty, likewize so am I. There are two sayings we as Marines like to say , once a Marine always a Marine, and two, a Marine never retires he or she just gets reassigned. From the time one steps off the bus at Paris Island to the time one sits in his(or her) first Harrier your service is one of pride, duty, strength and honor. Of that last word the AyreWolves will begin to nominate members to be inducted into a very treasured membership, one of the AyreWolves Honor Guard. These will be members who work tirelessly for the efforts of the AyreWolves and who make time for duty assignments. With that said and yes many of us are now what one would call reassigned, the mission has never been greater. Our nation is under attack not from some outside force but within side our borders. Freedom as its been said is not free. Many must be willing to hear the cry of the warrior inside them, but the main objective is to not stifle that cry but to let that cry burst out and fight for what you know is a good cause. As such while still very much in its infancy , the formation or rather reformation of what will be called the United States Confederate Marine Corps will now be the next mission of the AyreWolves. This will not be an easy task nor one that will not be one that will be easy, and we are sure to get tangled up in threats and self degrading comments from civies. But those same Civies will be the ones that after will hopefully say thank you. Was going up to Shorty's again this weekend but funds being what they are elected to just remain on station and truck up there next week to get things done on the home front.  There will be time enough for getting things in gear in Boise once I get moved up there near the end of the month.

Stay in the air my friends.

Saw a great video last night on a training site of warbird collectors restorers of the grand F4U the video is an old Navy/Marine training film and it does show that as much as many would think, the F4U was not all that easy to fly, but once mastered can be a pleasure. The F4U was not a byrd that flew by wire, there was no computers or advanced avionics but flew like a feather once you got the in cockpit duties put together. Still trying to find a junked out hull of a Bell 222H to revive our groups and my call sign's name sake. Have not found one. Thought of trying to find that Doctor in Europe who bought the original 222H and turned it into an air ambulance. Shame she had to retire that way. Can a computerized mach plus helo be built? I say yes, and I as always will prove it, just by building it. Think I found help on that in Boise at the HQ of the FireHawks in Boise there. Will investigate and get back with you soon.

As I close , think of our members both on our soil and those in battle lands, and think who you want to nominate to the AyreWolves Honor Guard. Deadline for nominations is April 27th 2009.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the Day:
Dishonesty, cowardice and duplicity are never impulsive.
--George A. Knight
1 Peter 1:15-16“But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy.”

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