Thursday, January 1, 2009

One horse towns are not bad but


At 19:30 hours most days I finish my on ayre duties here at KSSX and do some minor bits of engineering tasks major engineer things I do on the weekends. After all of that at near 20:00 hours I climb in LiL Lexi and head to the house, 65 miles away in Glenns Ferry. Once I get there albeit thankful for quiet except for a few trains rolling through each night my overnights are spent in peace except for the occasional tow call. But there are things I miss here in Glenns Ferry that would really make life here better at least for me that I'll never see here. Things like a Taco Bell, McDonalds, Maverick store etc would make life much finer, but that's the trade off for living in a one horse town, that could be much more but for whatever reason isn't. That is the feeling among many in our community, and the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one. Better snow removal would also be a plus. So why don't I just pack up and move? Simple, I have moved at least once per year or so since 1991 due to conservative road blocks, lack of infrastructure or suppliers, on air talent and even a few disagreements with people who only think they know me but don't. Just like one commented the other day that if we as an organization even me doing so well , why drive what you drive? Or that hole in your boot why not buy some new ones? As far as LiL Lexi, sure I could go into debt, buy something that takes a degree from M-I-T to fix, but it would not fit my or the image of Southern Steele of being a southern kountry bumpkin, so I drive a truck that resembles, well, a hillbilly truck. The hole in my boot is a trademark, kind of like the price tag hanging from Minnie Pearl's hat, sure I could fix it but it just sezz DieselBilly and that is the image I try to project in all of what I do and who I do business with. If they can accept me in that image then I can accept them, knowing they respect those for which Southern Steele and KSSX is on the ayre to serve. So while One horse towns are not for everyone, and even to a slight extent me, still its where I hang my hat, and its the area and listeners that we serve. That said, computer linkage is not as good as it might be elsewize like if we had our own I.T. department, or our own high speed Internet input even our own satellite spot to snag the links from, but that is in the future here at Southern Steele. Like wize coming in a few months means getting in the ayre squirting chemicals over farm fields, and getting Dixie which will fly by Southern Eagle Towing by years end. More on that in one of my next editions, but overall I think Glenns Ferry is good, but in a few months I say good bye to this neighborhood and head for Boise. And while I'll be in the bigger city again, still I'll never loose my Hazzard County-DieselBilly ways, and that is just fine with me.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the Day:
If all economists were laid end to end, they would not reach a conclusion.
--George Bernard Shaw
2 Corinthians 5:17“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”

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