Saturday, January 24, 2009

Better get it while you can cuzz it might not be there long.


Better get it while you can cuzz the copyright fuzz is out in droves. I have been noticing that many of my favorite videos on YouTube have been being whittled down or just shitcanned, all together. Anything that is really good is getting tossed in file 13 and some are just showing the video instead of the music behind them. Something I understand is partly due to the protection of intellectual property or mind substance. Heck I'd sure like a penny for every idea that I ever had that has been swiped and used by someone else. Shoot I'd have enough green to buy the entire state of Idaho, if I did get paid for my intellectual property. While buying the entire state of Idaho might seem to be a stretch it isn't beyond comprehension, after all most of the state is up for sale including many who claim to be its government. That's a thought for a diff time but fact is my state is crying and I have no asswipe to dry those tears with it. I can say lately the State of Idaho has one great business in it, U-Haul and moving companies, everybody is moving. Another diff subject for a different time. But hey Google and YouTube quit killing off good videos, some are too good to trash.

As I close this evening as I need sleep to go to Church in the AM to preach, want to lay this down. Have you ever thought while watching a TV show or movie and thought my I'd love to get her in my bed, only to consider her crotch and feet smell too. More on that Sunday after I get home from Church.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the Day:
Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.
--Albert Einstein
Galatians 6:1“[Doing Good to All] Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted.”

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