Friday, January 9, 2009

Seeing the light


Over the past few weeks I have seen the decline of the status or quality of life for many here in western Idaho. Between greedy politicians to a declining infrastructure to just plain pigheads that can't see the forest for the trees I came to the conclusion cuncussion at around 23:00 hours previous date of what the hell am I doing in Glenns Ferry. The days of small town Idaho or desire of living in same purtty much went out the front door once a lady who runs a food store here who damn well knows my paychecks are good refused to cash one. Sezz that it costs her money, well chute I'll give her the damn $3.00 to cash the damn thing. Hong Kong Phooey. No McDonalds, no Maverick Store, not even a good cheap place to grab coffee anymore. Both grocery stores don't sell much of the good stuff any more, and one even accused me of hijacking a bottle of cold medicine, the other day, my ass. Hell I have not lifted a damn thing in my life cept maybe some Milk Duds when I was 7 and got my ass paddles so bad at the store I'd never done that no how no way since. Besides I'd cough and grunt before I swiped anything, like cold medicine, and NyQuil, gotta be kidding, NyQuil would kill me can't take that stuff, something in it closes off my wind pipe. So sedd the Med Doctor so cain't take that. Between all of that and the fact my tow truck got ripped off the tow list just cuzz she needs a paint job, Bullshit, Sooner I gets ta movin the better, so starting that in February cuzz all ready paid fer this month, But be fer sure I is all but outta this place. Then saw in the MHN that some old fart or hen thought me and some Atomic mutt was the same feller, kiss my six. Can ya'll believe that? No way Jose, The AyreWolf is me and the AyreWolf can't be anyone else cuzz I got that handle copyrighted ya'll just cain't have that one , no how , no way.  However I will miss Missy and Mike , but fer the rest of it bullshit, ain't enuff going on here to even make me stay and buy a beer, so the Wolf is out of here.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the Day:
It's not how much you have that makes people look up to you, it's who you are.
--Elvis Presley, celebrity singer
Matthew 6:19-21“[Treasures in Heaven] "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

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