Friday, January 30, 2009

Thanks for Making me more of a Celebrity Mountain Home .


Back in September I got this wyld hair under my saddle after going through hell regarding my XYL and a bouncer at a very small bikini bar in Pocatello where I thought I could move near to Hazzard and could turn life around a bit. So I got into LiL Lexi drove over here and looked at two places, one was a no way, and I nearly decided to can the whole damn move entirely and had I found a place in or near Burley as I was considering, I would not have moved to Glenns Ferry at all, but there was no places in Burley that I could get into. Nearly to the point of staying put in Pocatello, I asked my current Landlord to refund the money for the first months rent and deposit. If he had done so, I again would have not moved here. But with some more manure going on in Pocatello regarding my XYL I moved. Some how I engaged putting a blog up on a local gossip papers web site, and that's where all hell broke loose. I put the blog up about things Dukes-of-Hazzard, not to be hammered at about things I had done in my past. Or even present. Few of those who were beating me over the head had the juice to drive down what 20 miles? From Mountain Home to see me, meet me and find out first hand I was not the second coming of the anti-Christ or something except one, an old Marine by the on screen name Bazookaman got in his VW, drove down here and met me, had coffee, and on another visit met some people over in Bliss as well as saw my old homestead near Hazzard.  He found out first hand in person that what I said was and is true. Too bad the rest didn't. It's getting late here, and I'm needing sleep, I got in touch with both my attorneys a hour ago they told me I have a good civil suit and are proceeding. My personal attorney as well as the attorney from the UAITA. Is involved. One of them said in a joking way although its not really funny, but said this bashing on that Gossip column is making me a celebrity, just not in a good way. My question to those spoiled brats that feel a need to keep this up is, why can't you just leave, our organization etc alone? Do you have nothing better to do? Besides I'll be gone in 3 months or less so why keep this up? Devote 10% of the effort you do to me and your rec district will get fixed. Any way it's been a long day. Ya'll stay in Mountain Home and I'll stay in GF.



Quote of the Day:
Gambling: The sure way of getting nothing for something.
--Wilson Mizner
Psalm 86:5“You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call to you.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved.

Let's call it what it is Cyber Bullying


I recently observed on a local newspaper's online gossip column that was saying how much I bad mouthed the town of Mountain Home, but I think we need to set records straight. First I never ever said that the WHOLE town was bad, nor did I say everyone there was bad, or nuts or just plain to damn simple for their on good. Wow , that was something that someone would say that, and yet, who was working to revive Cam-8 of Mountain Home at my expense? Who was working to establish community radio in Mountain Home at my expense, and who brought the Hazzard Knytes as well as working to establish a chapter of the AyreWolves in Mountain Home and having coffee meetings in Mountain Home at Grindes Diner again at my expense. Who went to the Mountain Home City Council meeting at my expense, to volunteer to head up Cam-8 at my expense and do the job in and for the community of Mountain Home again at MY Expense? Who put off my own bills, getting my own firm off the tarmac to help the same community from offering to rebuild Glenns Ferry's run down airport at MY EXPENSE, but was turned down by the GFCO ? Who is still busting his balls to bring a radio station and TV station to the town at MY EXPENSE? Oh yes I really hate the community? If I had been as stiff necked and ornery as many I have met, in these parts, and as DANGEROUS as they think I am, not only would I not be as behind in my own financial life but also much further in going towing. Who was it that met on more than one occasion with the former director of MH's Cam-8 even trying to help them out of their personal money troubles at MY EXPENSE? Oh yes one can see I really hated Mountain Home , NOT. But who got tagged, bagged, tarred and nearly feathered in the same place? Yep the good old Wolf, but who wont win? The same antagonizers , why cuzz the old Wolf here is headed to Hollywierd to go to media school. If I return to Idaho at all after it will only be to get Lexi my tow truck, LiL Lexi my small tow truck and similar things that I can't take to school, other than that as far as Idaho, not going to be, in Idaho , going to never claim of ever living in Idaho and outside of a few family members in SouthEastern Idaho and so on wont care what happens to the tater state. At least the western half of it. Let's face it the Hazzard Knytes most them moved away from Idaho years ago, the reorganizing into the Knytes-of-Anarchy from the Hazzard Knytes was a move to urbanize what had been for years something rural. As far as my dedication to things farming and all that's still there, but as far as Elmore County, to me its a place to stop, get gas, maybe snuff and drive on past, do not stop to think to move or stay here, unless you want to kiss the rear of the stinking 50. And some asked why I did not buy real estate here? By this time next year I'll be living in Eagle Mountain Utah, and only remembering Idaho through nightmares and really bad dreams. How am I going to pay for school? Can you say the Legal Eagle's team?

L8R Aviators.


Quote of the Day:
What single ability do we all have? The ability to change.
--George Leonard Andrews
Ephesians 4:2“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved.

Why should I care? Again


Weeks ago, the grand hams at the Mountain Home News the paper that it is blocked me from commenting on their grand busy body gossip column the Banter Box , which was fine. Quite frankly if Glenns Ferry here was not in Elmore County I would never again go into Mountain Home, in fact I try to avoid the place as much as I can. I go to MH twice a month, once to cash my government check at the local Wally-World and two to the our groups meetings at Grindes Diner there, the rest of the time, I stop into MH to get fuel and maybe snuff and go on out the other side headed to Boise. But as of yesterday when someone and who knows why , maybe they had nothing better to do, after all the weather is really cold , not many have extra money since many of the anchor companies are closing their doors headed for greener fields and so I am the one these ill minded not to informed and ignorant arrogant people need to pick on me. Which I guess is okay since it takes the load off of someone else's back. The problem is now is that not only have these bunch of spoiled children pissed off me, but the Knytes as well. And while I might be okay with letting things slide after all there is only 6 months left on my lease here in GF after that I'm on the highway headed south. But now these stupid people have ruffled the feathers of the Knytes, and several of them are attorneys when not building rides of some sort. The Knytes will not let this just go, they will file suit and get this thing in front of the TV media and all hell is going to break loose. The thing is I did not start this, but the pay off after will more than be seed money for Confederate Star. But I cleared some cookies off of my computer and we will see what the next week brings. However as I look at it now, if my current landlord had just sent back the money I put out to rent this place in GF, then I could have heard the voice inside that said don't go there. Any mile American Falls is looking really good.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the Day:
I never put on a pair of shoes until I've worn them for five years.
--Samuel Goldwyn
Ephesians 4:2“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Normally I'd be concerned


Normally I'd be concerned over some bunch of idiots doing up what they did and got us more over me bumped off of Zimbio. But the fact is I really do not care. If I'm not on Zimbio, they can't or wont be so much in a hurry to read stuff that does not concern them and life will go on for the club, me and me going towing. Any mile woke up from a dream about still living in Hazzard, but was driving the old 66 instead of Gen.Lee or LiL Lexi. Was thinking and no was not drinking although I should be considering Thursday, but flying along here, who the hell cares. If the trash wants to rumble fine, I'm down with that put a bit of Honor Guard into some action with our legal Eagles let the judge in a black robe make the idiots pay through the nose. Take the money pack my stuff and remove the Wolf Pack from here, have a few beers and say that was that. Considering I have albeit fewer these days but have family in Eastern Idaho, and so me goes that away, to do my bizz, who cares about this end of the state? Except that I'm here for at least a few months anyway. So doing my best to lay some stuff down. Alrighty then the gig in Boise fizzled but, I did hear of a place for beers in AF and so looking at that next month see what shakes, there is a FFC Allocation there and which do you think would work out better? I hate to say it, but Scott was right this, area is dead and smelling really foul. Any mile need z's.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the Day:
For Sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds; Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.
--William Shakespeare
Ephesians 4:2“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Screwing the pooch


Screwing the pooch has nothing to do with doing the wyld thing with a canine , the term is from Navy/Marine aviation circles that means an aircraft has missed the centering ball and needs to circle and attempt another aircraft carrier landing, but there are some purists out there that has to make a big deal out of nothing. Just like Zimbio and a few others who can't figure out that the initials USCMC means United States CONFEDERATE Marines and USMC means the traditional service branch which is a step child of the U.S. NAVY. We aren't that. THE USCMC is a band of loyalists of southern military to honor many who died defending the Confederate States of America, more over today we are fighting to help keep all of AMERICA free, and not just white folks neither. The USCMC is open to membership from all races and creeds. I hope that clears that up.






Better get it while you can cuzz it might not be there long.


Better get it while you can cuzz the copyright fuzz is out in droves. I have been noticing that many of my favorite videos on YouTube have been being whittled down or just shitcanned, all together. Anything that is really good is getting tossed in file 13 and some are just showing the video instead of the music behind them. Something I understand is partly due to the protection of intellectual property or mind substance. Heck I'd sure like a penny for every idea that I ever had that has been swiped and used by someone else. Shoot I'd have enough green to buy the entire state of Idaho, if I did get paid for my intellectual property. While buying the entire state of Idaho might seem to be a stretch it isn't beyond comprehension, after all most of the state is up for sale including many who claim to be its government. That's a thought for a diff time but fact is my state is crying and I have no asswipe to dry those tears with it. I can say lately the State of Idaho has one great business in it, U-Haul and moving companies, everybody is moving. Another diff subject for a different time. But hey Google and YouTube quit killing off good videos, some are too good to trash.

As I close this evening as I need sleep to go to Church in the AM to preach, want to lay this down. Have you ever thought while watching a TV show or movie and thought my I'd love to get her in my bed, only to consider her crotch and feet smell too. More on that Sunday after I get home from Church.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the Day:
Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.
--Albert Einstein
Galatians 6:1“[Doing Good to All] Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Where oh where do they get those hotties?


Where oh where do they get those hot women? Every day as I tune into the news TV channels I see them, anchoring the news channels and you wonder where do they find them? Is there a resource, human resource that I missed in our on air talent searches that we missed. Whether its CNN, FoX News, HLN, etc those blonde blue/green eyed super babes on those channels, make you at least for a few seconds forget about the pain of today's news while you third member rizes to the occasion. The question again is where do they find these on air female news anchors? Is it just in NYC, and HotLanta that they find these super hot news babes? All I know is Confederate Star TV sure could use them, send em our way will ya?

Was going to fly up to Boise today but weather overnight put the kabosh to that thought and will ROS most of the day. Plan on going to coffee in the PM of today with Mike, in MH around 15:00 hours, but past that am just going to clean house.

Want to thank Mike for hauling my cookies to Boise previous day to fetch a whopping $50.00 from Treasure Valley Community TV. Which I would have stayed with if for not the distance. The answer here though is instead of chasing that tail why not continue efforts to build our own media op's, that as it was decided overnight during a computer conference call to rename Southern Steele Xpress TV etc to Confederate Star TV. Stay tuned here later for more 411 on that. Speaking on all of that another look here needs to be taken. While community TV right now might be a reach the thought is why not fire up Community Radio and next year do up Community TV? Radio can be done much less expensive and for the short flyte less taxing on resources available than TV. Not putting the kybosh on TV , just putting that on the rear burner.

As I close again the question of the hour is, where oh where do those news channels get those hotties?

News of the rescheduling of the 214 gig at Shorty's l8r in the day.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the Day:
Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer.
--Dave Barry
James 1:5“If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

For me its only a tool, not the Almighty


Ah the farting Internet , you either love it or tolerate it, but for many it is the Almighty. If its online and all it just happens that it is good and beyond reproach. For me its a tool, from filing flyte plans when I fly to getting weather 411 to ordering parts. Of course the blooming internet is the path by which I am able to communicate with you the members of the Knytes-of-Anarchy along with its siblings. Beyond that I can take it or leave it, but that's not the case for many I know. This one associate I know from MH, if it was not for the Internet she would have no way to sing her song for a local issue that's going to take place no matter what she does. For me give me a clear sky, an open flyte plan, full tanks and I'm at peace. Likewise give me dry highways, full tanks and a sunny day and I'm trucking and I don't care if I'm pulling a load or not, being out on that open highway is where I live. If I am able to get on the cyber highway fine if not the one made out of concrete is just fine. But too many live for the farting internet and if its not going their way they get down right pissed off if not bullistic. My final comment regarding that WECRD thing in MH, has not even been honored with a response from its anti - do it person. I was supposed to go out having folks sign a petition to put the lid on it. Did I even get a call? NO!!! With that said I did get a pissed off letter from the organizing person that wants to put an end to WECRD to lay off the issue so this is the last I will speak of it, like I said in my blog titled Piss -on- It, WECRD has nothing much to do with the Knytes or anything except the fact that higher taxes will make the rent go up at our radio studio, past that who cares? As for me I do not live for the Internet its a tool. It is also for the most part something for people who don't have a life other than being online. Not loosers just no direction. Too bad because they could join the Knytes and have a life. Keep truckin,


Quote of the Day:
If you’re looking for friends when you need them…it’s too late.
--Mark Twain
1 Corinthians 10:13“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Despite thoughts it isn't bikini's


Despite rumors or thoughts that might bring it into someone's mind the Miss Hazzard County Calendar Babe gig is not about showing off bikini's. An associate at Shorty's Saloon in Garden City/Boise asked that idea but that is not it. But here is what is involved. Starting this week, a entry list will be available at Shorty's for gals that think they have the legs, body, and brains to be Miss Hazzard County. This Friday the 24th of January every hot blooded kountry gal who wants the shot at being Miss Hazzard County puts down name, a phone number and submits a photo.  Starting on the 7th of February we interview all entries, then on the 14th the entries will dress up in their best tight Wrangler Jeans, best Daisy Duke shorts, and will be quizzed to their knowledge of the Dukes-of-Hazzard, NASCAR, and southern culture. The contest progresses until by vote of the audience, mainly the crowd at Shorty's by both ballot as well as by cheering, and of course the judges from area TV, Radio, and members of the Hazzard Knytes, That is how Miss Hazzard County is selected. Along with the 11 other hot kountry honeys that become the Hazzard County Angels for the rest of 2009 as well as 2010. Miss Hazzard County nails a modeling/talent contract valued at $150,000.00 as well as many extras, of course the Hazzard County Angels get modeling contracts for $20,000.00 to $50,000.00 each. However know this, the contest is to show a kountry look, but NOT BIKINI'S .  Of course there will also be the casting auditions for The Rode Knytes Movie that will be held the next weekend that is another blog entry. I hope this explains what the Miss Hazzard County Calendar Girl contest is, and what it is not.

Keep it pure, keep it Hazzard L8R ya'll


If you have ever taken a beer to a Mormon Priesthood Meeting, You might be a Redneck


I had something great to relate there but it flew by faster than Sheriff Roscoe chasing the Dukes. I can't explain it completely but from the first episode I saw on TV to going to the set and wrenching on stunt cars of the show to the formation of the Hazzard County Knytes that has evolved into the Knytes-of-Anarchy everything Hazzard County hazz became my soul, if nothing else , things Hazzard County pulls me out of some serious bouts with depression. With that all in mind I set my mind to being the only none D-O-H star to be voice of all things Hazzard, and southern bred kountry-fied truckin. With that in the seat lets do this.

In 2004 there was an uproar from fans of the old TV series and those that were clambering for the new movie that many  D-O-H fans and purists that said this is just wrong. With then outside of a few of the original cast lookin down from the Boar's Nest in the sky, the movie should have had the original cast left on the movie, but times and attitudes change but it has always been the mission of our organization to keep it all pure, all Hazzard County. In 2005 we all met in my apartment at least as many as we could fit in there in my apartment in Bountiful Utah and decided to build the ultimate Hazzard County web site. Now that web site had to have a Hazzard County style radio station on it so we began gathering the gear to do that, however visual was important too. So why not build a online TV station ran Hazzard County style? When that began the need to get more talent especially of the female type was important,and as it would happen the more we did, the more we said, instead of this just being online lets get it on the ayre. So with that wheelie popped we met a year after and said lets do this up with the title that was for our Hazzard County biker show, Southern Steele Xpress TV. So we wheeled up to various locations finding that one place that what we had in mind would fit. Not thinking the best location might just be in Hazzard(aka-Hagerman) Idaho. The only place at this point that is big enuff to house it is in GF here at what used to be the Trophy Club. Micro-nuke the signal to Hammett and Git-R-Done, right? NOT!! Why? There is not enuff TV let alone broadcasting types with a Hazzard County attitude in GF here. So what does one do? Mountain Home? Import help from Boise an launch it in mid summer 2011. But don't grab ass just yet thinking SSX-TV is over, or that SSX radio will not launch before then. Talks are on to get a studio in MH that can house the thing as well as in Bliss Idaho, after all why not run the thing where Hazzard at least for me and many of the original Knytes assembled the first time for the first meeting? Okay then, with that in mind the Miss Hazzard County project in Boise. That in my next entry hold on.



Quote of the Day:
An ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness.
--Elbert Green Hubbard
1 Corinthians 10:13“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved.

I said piss on it


I got this email from an associate in MH about some rinky dink issue and thought okay, enuff time devoted to that its not in Glenns Ferry, why should I care? So in short I said piss on it. If someone needs help on a project that I see I can try to assist in I do try. But the bottom line here is when I do, it just gets boggled up somehow and there are some stiff-necked folks there that think they want to do it differently so why should I get involved? The issue has to do with some recreation thing that I think should not be publicly funded. If its such a good thing why is it not done on the part of some open minded person ? Like a private enterprise? Like the KOA's efforts on bringing ECCCTV back to light? In our efforts we are not asking for one red cent of public money. If it goes at all it will be from our pockets and treasury not from one stinking crumb of city or county funding. If we do it under our own funding we control it, not some city council or County commissioner. Any time ya'll get any thing from public funding its like asking a revenuer to run shine, might be a neat idea but it ain't going to happen and ya'll are just asking for more of a headache.

Okay then since that is that lets move on here.

At the KOA Board meeting in Hazzard today it was brought up instead of doing TV and that right now lets do up a community radio station instead and in a year or so fire up efforts to do TV. After all radio does not need that much room to operate as would a TV station. So we are eyeing that as stage one. With that in the can we moved onto the consideration of a bar owned and operated by the AyreWolvez and the KOA. Guess what? No way Jose. While it is a nice idea what we were looking at, had no assurances that afterwerds it would be ours or that somebody would not pull the rug out from under us, so we shot down that idea and are looking at a location near Bliss, afterall why not put the bar for all things Hazzard, in well , Hazzard? With that fish fried we moved onto the 214's birthday celebration and the Miss AyreWolf contest thing in Boise at Shorty's Saloon. There is a need to keep us tied to that place if nothing else because those hallowed halls an walls speaks volumes of history of our organization. Thus unless something really amazingly wrong hits that will be our home in Boise for some time to come.

As I drove home on near fumes one little connector on LiL Lexi came loose from the battery. So I stopped just under the comm towers just on the outskirt of Bliss, did some quick fixing and got home. The only reason I was on fumes was the fact that I had to drive all the way to Twinky Flatts just to pay a cell phone bill with Edge Wireless since they merged with A.T. & T. No ya'll can't pay the bill at an A.T.&T. store it just had to be at an Edge Wireless store. So in the truck I came. Determined from looking and measuring by odometer that its 60 miles to Twinky Flatts from GF via I-84 and 65 miles from Twinky Flatts through Hazzard to GF via U.S.-30 . So in closing, if Missy and all does not want my help fine, good luck, have fun no hard feelings, and its a MH problem after all, not my headache. What I think was there was a few from the Bitch Box and so on that told Missy that if I was involved they wouldn't be. Bet you your next refuel that was it. Life does go on, I'm tucking in, tending to my own things and not bothering with much outside of the AyreWolvez and the KOA. When it comes to things like this though I need to say this is one more reason Glenns Ferry and King Hill should be part of Gooding County, and separate itself from Elmore County. Move the county line up 15 miles to Hammett.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the Day:
No human investigation can be called real science if it cannot be demonstrated mathematically.
--Leonardo da Vinci
Philippians 2:14-16“Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life—in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Poseeteevo Amigo Thursday


One of the local publications and I use the word publication reluctantly as its more like a spam paper , but the Mountain Home News always calls Thursdays its Positive Thursdays. Why who knows why Thursday is supposedly a dead day anyway since most folks finish up most of their 3 day work days on Thursday, since most don't work on Monday and rarely do anything on Friday's and then we wonder why our nation is having economic problems. Friends ya gotta work to generate a dollar. Okay then. One of my best local area friends asked me why doing something here in Elmore County rather than Boise is still on my radar. First because its needed, and I rarely run from a challenge, Two because there is at least 6 more months that I have on my lease where I live and if I break that lease now I have to pay for the entire six months and last but not least and yes its a pride thing, but if I just run I will satisfy way too many in this county. Rather than do that if I just happen to get ECCCATV rolling despite the efforts to kill it and it all becomes a success then guess what? I can thumb the nose of so many in both MH and GF who laughed at me. But that creates the need to form a electorial board and operational committee which can make the thing work beyond anything many have ever envisioned. When I plunked down the $40.00 to join Cam-8 of MH Idaho I said I was there to make the thing take off and become a light in the dark of all that came before. Of course the light went dim for a short time, and while the former operation took a nose dive, does that mean someone else with a new board, and staff in a different location, and the fact that doing it from not just on Elmore County town, but getting all Elmore County towns including Glenns Ferry here involved might just shift the entire concept into a different gear. In essence if I can assemble enough of the right people into the right package then what I call Elmore County Community Cable Access TV or ECCCATV can at least be a jewel in the belt of the Hazzard Knytes as well as myself. In other words what I came to the area to do in the first place can be achieved. Along with that putting together in time a area Community Radio Station like Boise seems to be doing, together , will be media by and for all in Elmore County, by people in Elmore County. Bottom line do for the County what few even those elected to do, well does. Even though I was never elected. As the dawning of a swearing in and believe me , plenty will be swearing about it, but on Jan 20th there will be the taking of an oath, by someone who will be lying through his jaw , to be the President of the United(as United as it may be) States. However one such said once, Do not ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. In my case not asking what my county can do for me, but what can I do for my county. While I have lost a few battles here in both GF and Elmore County I'm beginning to settle in here. While relocation is still on my radar in July, if I can at least get things going good and in the right direction for the area, even if I move I can at least say I did this. As many of so man call assholes in MH and all , I have met many fine people here. Its not that bad, and I might just skip Boise if I find something in MH to rent cheap.  While rapid growth might not be in many minds likewise me, still improvement in living conditions is a goal that I would like to make happen. If I can at least give the area a good nudge in that way then I'll feel satisfied.

Hold on its going to be a bumpy ride.


Quote of the Day:
Reason often makes mistakes, but conscience never does.
--Josh Billings
John 8:31-32“[The Children of Abraham] To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved.



Wednesday, January 14, 2009

At Least I tried to be nice


As I drove home one more time from Boise in fog so dense one could cut it with a plastic fork and having to stay on the tail of a rig in front of me because some damn 4Wheeler threw a rock into one headlight I began to think, and I remember why getting my six out of Mountain Home and Elmore County is so important. Take for instance today. Yesterday I had every intention of trying to maintain things in GF here, and try to breathe life back into MH's cable access channel. In amongst everything went to the local newspaper to enable it to where I could at least defend myself on a PUBLIC forum. Guess what? They finally called me today and said nope, no can do. Guess its easier to can my ass on there than the rest that bitch and fight so be it. So I began thinking what the hell am I still doing here? Especially when Boise has all I need, have people bending over bassackwards to help me in all my projects? So I give notice to my current landlord that 3-01-09 My ass is out of here. Can't pay cell bill cuzz the closest A.T.&T cell store is 50 miles one way 70 miles the other. Can't pay other bills due to distance and I'll be danged if I'll give a bank account number to anyone I don't know real good. Cain't get a beer in GF cuzz one bar person calls the local fuzz sezz I'm in there having a brew, which I was not driving since I walked down and walked home and the local cop did not really care, but I spend money to get turned in, Bullshit. Then there is a fact of having to drive 20 miles one way just to cash a check. Just because one lady who owns a food market here feels I don't patronize her store enuff to warrant her to cash my pay check each month. The local bank is a different bank than WAMU that I deal with through AyreWolf Aviation so the U.S. Bank here in GF wont cash a cashiers check by the way. So each month when my money arrives its drive 20 miles each way to cash my monthly check. Wal-Mart does it, only takes $3.00 out for doing it nuff said. That's just the short list. All I can say is I'm done, out here , let the area drown in its own bile and when its nose is under then someone will say oops, we goofed up, but by then its too late/. The old Wolf here will be long gone. But when it comes to the Mountain Home News, I have tried to be nice, but with their attitude, its as I told them on the phone today, see em in court.

Anymile need sleep,

L8R Aviators


Quote of the Day:
Recommend to your children virtue; that alone can make them happy, not gold.
--Ludwig van Beethoven
1 John 4:20-21“If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, January 12, 2009

I hope the Force is with me in Boise Tuesday


I really did not do much today, but at least I did something. For as much as many blaat about how bad our economy and all is, nobody get's off their six much to do anything about it. I found many firms closed and a few more sadly labor challenged. Considering that while jobs are few, the few there are , is not staffed with enough or of quality employees and workers. Its no wonder the south Pacific nations are doing well and the USA is crying foul. Reason Japs, Chinese and so on get off their ass and do something. They WORK. Rather than just expect someone to hand them the things they need to live. Most other nations do the same , workers get, those who don't work STARVE, as it should be. Granted I do get SSA funds and all, but if I had to depend on that for everything I'd be in even worse shape money wise than I am. The reason AyreWolf Aviation is making it and few others are is we have a dedicated staff. My people get paid well, get better than average benefits, and live good, but I do not hire just anyone. There is this honey that jumps in the MHN Bitch Box that I think has more on the ball mentally than just about all the women I have met in this area of Idaho. Would I hire her? Bet your mark-82 I would. Why; A) she is Military, Two she is kountry, and C) does not have her brains in her crotch like so many others I have met, same thing goes for my USMC pal, Mike. As the Wolves move into MH to put a link for us between Boise and tower site in Hammett, I found only fast food and brew open. Everything else nearly was closed. As I asked before don't anyone work any more? As I go to Boise Tuesday to finalize things for relocation, and rest and pack for the barrage that will ensue near the end of the month, I am praying that the Force is with me as I make the move. I hope the spirit of Kahless is with me, and my journey to Stovacore is not Tuesday, although if it be the bidding, Tuesday is as good as any to die.

Was going to the MH, CC meeting but when Missy said she would not be there, I figured I'd just wait until the next meeting to present the plan for reviving ECCA/TV as it will be called. Not Cam-8. See all Tuesday as there will be plenty to report on, but know this; HCTV is about to be seen in Boise. More on that Tuesday.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the Day:
No one can be free who does not work for the freedom of others.
Galatians 3:26-28“[Sons of God] You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved.



Why I don't have a business card and can you ask if they are real?


I had the occasion today at where the Sheep's Pen will be once all talks are over to offer up my business card. The only dang reason I don't yet have a business card is I have yet to find even one female that will pose with one of my trucks or warbyrd to photograph for that business card. I get close but no explosion. Oh yes I could probably and most likely do up some cheap ones but your business card needs to be of such that someone will not only hang onto it, but keep it. And that means my business card needs to have bling. So what's an aviator to do? Stage a super babe gig and select someone. Which is the base to the 2009 Miss AyreWolf project that has been moved from Shorty's Saloon to Mr. Lucky's in Garden City Idaho next month. Next to making serious green of $50.00 plus an hour Miss AyreWolf is the who that mostly males will see on our ads in 2009. For more 411 give me a landline at 208-705-0676 and lets talk.

So this one super hotties walks in and was the designated or one of the designated dealers at a somewhat poker game there today. Her name is Beth. Now I usually am not attracted to a woman's breasts, as I am a leg and foot man, and my kryptonite is a woman in nylon hose. Don't ask me why but if I see a honey in hose I am all weak in the knees. Getting back on course here this one comes in by the name of Beth, of course you know that she knows she's carrying some serious cha-chas. They look real, but can a man really ask are they real? Can a man ask if they are real, and is it okay to ask if they are real? I contend that if you asked and she did not know you well you would get slapped, or worse, but if a lady puts them on display could you, should you ask if they are real? Just a good question.

Finally I met this other hottie at Mr. Lucky's that has more than good looks, she has a brain that functions. Am going to see if her and her firm wants to aid our group in producing some of our ayreshows and other events. Anna is her name.

More L8R Aviators


Quote of the Day:
If you want to be miserable, think about yourself, about what you want, what you like, what respect people ought to pay you and what people think of you.
--Charles Kingsley
Galatians 3:26-28“[Sons of God] You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved.